
How to deal with keratosis pilaris.

Although harmless, keratosis pilaris (KP) can be annoying. It shows itself as tiny red bumps or dry patches—often on the...

How to fix your skin barrier.

The phrase “skin barrier” has had a real explosion in the past couple years! But what exactly is your skin...

How to cleanse and exfoliate sensitive skin.

The phrase 'sensitive skin' is one that gets used a lot. In fact, a report by Aveeno found that 71% of adults...

Bust blackheads and get smoother skin

Blackheads are amongst the most annoying (and most common) skin issues one can experience. What exactly are these little nuisances,...

How to prevent summer breakouts with Boie's Scrubbers

Summer is officially here! And so is your sweat-induced acne. Don’t worry, we can help. Boie's Face and Body Scrubbers can...

Which Boie Toothbrush is right for you?

Dentists recommend soft toothbrushes to reduce gum erosion and they can actually be more effective at removing plaque. Boie makes...